Native CRC Wallet

In the Definitions library, we’ve developed a basic wallet implementation that mirrors the functionality of a typical ERC-20 contract. This wallet includes key functions for managing balances and allowances, which are essential for contract operations. Below is an overview of the class implementation:

var CRC_Wallet = { 
           Address : '',   // Wallet Address
           Balance : 0.0,  // Balance of the current token
           Allowances: {}, // Allowances
 * Loads the smart contract info from the physical wallet
 * address : Wallet address
  OpenWallet: function (address) { ... },

 * Saves the smart contract the smart contract info in the physical wallet
  CloseWallet: function() { ... },
 * Adds an allowance into the wallet allowances array. Creates a new allowance or updates the balance 
 * of an existing one
 * allowanceAddress : address of the wallet granting the allowance
 * Amount : Amount of the allowance
  AddAllowance: function (allowanceAddress, Amount) { ... },

 * Spends an allowance into the wallet allowances array. Deletes the allowances that go to balance = 0
 * allowanceAddress : address of the wallet granting the allowance
 * amountToSpend : Amount that is being spent
  SpendAllowance: function (allowanceAddress, amountToSpend) { ... },

 * Deletes an existing allowance
 * allowanceAddress : address of the wallet granting the allowance
  DeleteAllowance: function (allowanceAddress) { ... };

Unlike the ERC-20 standard, Circular takes a different approach by storing wallet data externally in Wallet Contract Data (WCD) files rather than within the contract itself. This adds an extra layer of file access, with operations like transfers involving two wallets requiring four file accesses, compared to only two in ERC-20, where data is stored directly in the contract state.

As the number of ERC-20 token holders grows, virtual machines slow down due to the need to search large arrays of wallet data, leading to slower execution and higher gas fees. In contrast, Circular’s performance remains stable, regardless of the number of token holders, since its efficiency is unaffected by the size of the user base. While file access in Circular may introduce minor delays (a few hundred microseconds), it avoids the bottlenecks that large-scale data searches create in ERC-20 systems. However, for contracts with a small number of frequent interactions, ERC-20 may still perform slightly better.

Circular also allows developers to implement an ERC-20-like structure within the contract state if desired, offering flexibility to choose the best approach for their needs. This adaptability ensures that Circular can be optimized for a wide range of use cases, giving developers the tools to maximize performance and efficiency based on their specific project requirements.

Here’s how to use a native CRC_Wallet object for various operations:

/* Wallet Opening */

// Creates a new wallet instance
var wallet = Object.create(CRC_Wallet);

// Opens the specified wallet
/* Do something */
} else{ /* do something else */}

/* Access Address */
var Address = wallet.Address;

print('Address :' + Address);

/* Access Wallet Balance */
var Balance = wallet.Balance;

print('Balance :' + Balance);

/* Add an allowance */
var owneraddress = "0x167351...";      // who is granting the allowance
var amount = 1000;                     // amount of the allowance   

AddAllowance(owneraddress, Amount);
var allowanceAddress = "0x167351...";  // The person who granted the allowance
var amountToSpend = 1000;              // amount to be detracted from the allowance.

/* Spen an existing allowance */
if(SpendAllowance(allowanceAddress, amountToSpend)){
  /* allowance spent*/

} else{

  /* allowance not spent*/

/* Delete an existing allowance*/

    /* the allowance was found and has been removed */
} else {
    /* The allowance was not found*/

/* Wallet closure*/


If the native wallet doesn’t meet your needs, you can modify or create a new one to encode data as required. The CRC_Wallet implementation is a basic model, meant as a starting point, not a one-size-fits-all solution. If you decide to use a different wallet structure, it’s recommended to remove the existing implementation from the definition file to save space and simplify your code.

These native implementations are designed to support common requirements in smart contract development. With these tools, you’re now ready to create your first token smart contract.

Last updated