Retrieving a blockchain block is not considered a transaction; instead, it's a request executed by a single node. In some cases, it may be necessary to send the same request multiple times to obtain a copy of the same block from different sources. Any optimization required is typically handled by the application itself, depending on the level of certainty needed.
If the call is successful and the block is found, the returned data will resemble the example below:
Here are the explanations for each field:
Represents the block's height or block index within the blockchain, where the genesis block has a height of 0.
This is the address of the blockchain containing the block.
Represents the number of iterations required to calculate the block hash with the assigned difficulty, determined by the number of consecutive zeros at the left end of the hash.
Block hash calculated using the SHA-256 hashing function.
The previous block hash is calculated using the SHA-256 hashing function.
The node that has successfully mined or minted the block.
The signature of the node that has successfully mined or minted the block.
The timestamp indicating when the block was successfully mined or minted.
The block payload, also known as transactions, refers to the data or information included in a blockchain block. It typically consists of a collection of transactions that record various activities on the blockchain, such as transfers of digital assets or smart contract executions.
The list of transactions contained in a block represents all the individual transactions that have been included in that specific block on a blockchain.
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