
Send a new transaction on the blockchain with a Map<String, String> payload.

Method Signature

Future<dynamic> sendTransactionWithPlainPayload(
      String id,
      String from,
      String to,
      String timestamp,
      String type,
      Map<String, String> payload,
      int nonce,
      String signature,
      String blockchain)


Types of transactions:

  • C_TYPE_COIN: Transaction involving native coins (CIRX) without the use of Hyper Code (Smart Contracts).

  • C_TYPE_TOKEN: Transaction involving specified tokens without the use of Hyper Code.

  • C_TYPE_ASSET: Transaction involving a generic digital asset that is not represented by a token.

  • C_TYPE_CERTIFICATE: Transaction where the payload doesn't require processing and is a generic string.

  • C_TYPE_REGISTERWALLET: Transaction used to register a new wallet on a specified blockchain.

  • C_TYPE_HC_DEPLOYMENT: Transaction to deploy a new Hyper Code Program.

  • C_TYPE_HC_REQUEST: Transaction to call a specified endpoint of a Hyper Program.

  • C_TYPE_USERDEF: Unspecified type, defined by the user (not available yet).



  "Result": 200,
  "Response": {
    "TxID": "138dd7a19685c71f281d8f5b9d0de15dc7ce7e9433e1715ec6e45e0fade74c82",
    "Timestamp": "2024:09:26-21:57:12"
  "Node": "8a93c6b6f8d166097ddfeb3e5e3a2998b35e0b6f0bd2e31a8a130a11b6749279"

Last updated